What people ask in messages
We know it's Saturday and 12:25 am but call us ANY time!
I can’t seem to get rid of ants, they are coming from under the skirting boards in my lounge!
We run three small independent schools and are looking for quotes for pest control and monitoring across the three sites.
I think I’ve disturbed a wasp nest in my loft within the insulation. Would like a quote for dealing with this please
We have rats in our garden! We've removed bird food and they are now under decking!
I've got something living in the loft! Can you please come and deal with it. Can you please tell me what your working hours are.
Hi, we think we have a rat or something similar size in the attic, ceilings of our home. keeps us up all night chewing and rustling.
Hi there,
I have been having problems on and off with mice for nearly a year.
I have tried all the usual things and this course of action is a last resort for me. I’m also looking for help with sealing points of entry.
I am a nurse and at work frequently so rather than calling me email may be easier as I may not be able to answer the phone
You came highly recommended so I’m wondering if you may be able to provide me with a quote?
Thank you
Just needed a professional service to deal with the mouse problem we’ve been having in our house lately.
We’ve never had mice come into our home but as of the last two days I’ve spotted a small mouse in my living room. I’m absolutely petrified and so are my family. Last night we caught two in the kitchen and it has made us so uneasy that we’re unable to eat properly. I’m starting to think there’s more. Honestly, it feels so disgusting and it’s been so distressing not knowing where they’re coming from and how they’ve got here.
If we could please have someone to inspect the house and get rid of any mice and prevent any more from coming we’d really appreciate the help. Thank you. Kind regards,
we've recently been hearing scratching in the wall between us and our next door neighbour.
Last night we could also hear it in the bedroom ceiling. We are 3 bed end of terrace.
Please can you give me a rough idea of the cost to deal with it.
Many thanks in advance.